Welcome to WordPress Theme Setup


Wordpress Installation

  • Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
  • Click "Upload Themes" and hit the browse button.
  • Navigate to find the "quinet.zip" file on your computer and click "Install Now" button.
  • You can also uploade the child-theme.
  • The theme will be uploaded and installed.
  • Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance Themes and activate the installed theme.

FTP Upload

To manually upload your new WordPress theme, login with your credentials to your website and locate the wp-content folder in your WordPress install files. Upload the un-zipped quinet folder into the: wp-content/themes folder.

Once uploaded, activate the theme by heading to the “Themes” menu in the WordPress Dashboard. Locate the quinet theme and hit “Activate”.


Recommended Plugins installation!

Theme Support - This plugin is required plugin having the functionality of theme.For proper theme functionality this plugin is must to installed and activated.

Revolution Slider - This plugin is required plugin having the Slider functionality of theme.For proper theme functionality of slider this plugin is must to installed and activated.

Contact Form 7 - This plugin is required plugin having the Contact Form functionality of theme. For proper theme functionality of Contact Form this plugin is must to installed and activated.

Import Posts, Pages and Media Attachments all by one click

By cliclikng on above button you will get all posts,pages,themeoptions,shortcodes and slider.

This theme comes with custom(manual) import options. For example post data entry import file (wordpress-dummy.xml) and revolution slider import files (slider.zip). And theme options import from word doc. All import files from folder Import folder.

Site Pages & Posts Import

If would you like to use your site like my demo site, its very very easy. Just import all pages, posts, menus, forums etc. with a .xml file. Please wp-admin > tools > import menu then click WordPress (if you dont have WordPress install plugin please upload it first), now click dummy-content.xml file from package folder > Import > dummy-content.xml then click import button (its take a time please be relax)

Theme options import

You can import theme options manually by coping the themeoptions content from word file and paste in import and then click import button in themeoptions

You can creat blog page by creating the new page and set it as blog page in admin panel > settings > reading.

Blog layout designs could be managed by theme options page settings as shown in image below

You can set header title, header image, blog sidebar and layout for blog page.

The same settings are for search page and author page.

Our Theme have Sliders Settings


Scroll to Top


Body text Color

Body Background Image

Theme Color Settings

Post Banner

Blog Banner

Blog Breadcrumb

Read More Button

Blog Meta Setting

Post Banner

Post Title

Post Date

Post Social Share

Post Tag

Comment Area


Search Page

Archive Page

Author Page

404 Settings

Google Font

Icons Settings

H/p Settings

Color Settings

Basic Setup

Header Settings

Bread Crumb Settings

Layout Settings

Navigation & Post Title

Masonry Post






Page Settings

Add Element

Full Width

Page Template

Copy/Clone Sections

WooComerce Settings

Demo Import

If you need help, please feel free to contact us! All issues, requests and questions can be discussed and answered at our Support Team.

If you have got some issues we gladly help you out.

Thank You For Purchasing One of Our Theme!

  • created: 07/05/2017
  • latest update: 07/05/2017

We would happily welcome feedback from you on how, if anywhere, you would like this documentation improved. If you would find anything a little bit easier and more helpful if we went into more detail, or explained something a little better - we'd be happy to hear it. We want quinet to be the best theme! If you have any comments, please mail us via the form on http://www.themeforest.net/user/template_path